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127 results:
Election clouds over Europe: What is on the horizon for climate and energy policies?
Europe is preparing for the next political mandate and the upcoming policy initiatives in the field of climate and energy. What is on the horizon for the European Green Deal? This briefing provides…  
Who is afraid of climate change?
Our study provides the answers.  
Wer hat Angst vorm Klimawandel?
Unsere Studie liefert antworten dazu.  
64. „Europawahl: Was vom Versprechen des klimaneutralen Kontinents übrig ist“  
SZ-Podcast "Auf den Punkt" - am Wochenende: Interview mit Claudia Detsch: Der Green Deal ist mit viel Ambition gestartet - dann kamen Corona, der Ukraine-Krieg und die Bauernproteste. Eine…  
Europe and the Emerging Geopolitics of Electricity Grids
Admittedly, they are not sexy. Electricity grids seem very unspectacular at first. However, things are not what they seem. After all, the grids are of paramount importance for Europe's economic…  
Wälder gelten als grüne Lunge.
Nähern wir uns jetzt eher der Raucherlunge? Zumindest heizen steigende Temperaturen auch den Wäldern mächtig ein. Dürre, Waldbrände, Schädlinge und Stürme setzen heimischen Bäumen enorm zu. Der Trend…  
Forests are known as green lungs.
Are we now getting closer to smoker's lungs? At the very least, rising temperatures are really hitting the forests hard. Drought, forest fires, pests and storms are causing enormous damage to native…  
68. To win the new climate war, we need a new strategy  
Today's fossil-fuel lobbyists don't deny climate change. Instead, they distract from meaningful action. Activists must avoid falling into their traps  
FES@WCEF2024 - The World Circular Economy Forum
Building a Data-Driven Circular Economy: Insights from Germany  
Opportunities of a long-term European transition policy
Closed door trade union workshop on exchange of experiences & strategy development within the framework of European Green Deal policy  
Search results 61 until 70 of 127