Just European Green Deal

Our Deal: Social Balance, Participation, Skills and Labour

The climate agenda needs a strong social agenda, or it will fail. People start feeling both the effects of climate change and of mitigation policies on their daily lives. Yet, bold policies to buffer social inequalities are not in place, fueling skepticism and resistance.

Our activities in the area of a socially just Green Deal

| DE, Just European Green Deal | Press

3sat, Magazin NANO vom 05 Juni 2024, Beitrag „Europa wählt: Green Deal - Solarparks in Spanien boomen“

Unser Beitrag zu European Green Deal und der…


29.05.2024 | Decoding Brussels, Just European Green Deal, News

Europe is preparing for the next political mandate and the upcoming policy initiatives in the field of climate and energy. What is on the horizon for…


| DE, Just European Green Deal | Press

SZ-Podcast "Auf den Punkt" - am Wochenende: Interview mit Claudia Detsch: Der Green Deal ist mit viel Ambition gestartet - dann kamen Corona, der…


31.01.2024 | Decoding Brussels, Just European Green Deal, Publication, News

Does the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CBAM make countries around the world adopt more climate friendly policies? Or is it only protecting…


| Just European Green Deal | Press

Article published by RND - Als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen 2019 Europa ihr Klimapaket Green Deal präsentierte, kam dies einer…


19.07.2023 | Zooming in on..., Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Publication, News

Decarbonising our homes via heat pumps and renewable district heating is crucial for effectively fighting climate change.


12.07.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Publication, News

Where do we stand and where are we headed?


25.06.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Publication, News

Employment opportunities and requirements for low-carbon job markets

EU climate targets will not be reached without an accelerated roll-out of…


26.05.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event, News

Keynote by Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, opening our conference "Securing Europe's Sovereignty: How to shape our energy, climate, and…


| Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event

24.05.2023 How can Europe ensure its resilience despite growing global challenges?


All News & Events

22.08.2024 | DE, Going local and let people drive change, Social media, News

China hat im laufenden Jahr wesentlich weniger Genehmigungen für neue Kohlekraftwerke erteilt als in den Vorjahren.


19.08.2024 | DE, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, News

19.08.2024 | EN, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, News


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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