FES Just Climate

In 2021 the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung launched its competence center for Climate and Social Justice, based in Brussels. Climate and social policies must be two sides of the same European coin in the future. We need to develop climate-neutral energy systems and industries. Simultaneously, we need to safeguard and strengthen the welfare state, local participation and workers’ rights.

FES Just Climate acts as a think tank about current and coming trends, and a policy advisor in ongoing debates. We support FES offices and their partners in shaping the industrial revolution of our times. We focus on energy, industrial, structural and labor policies, and the European Green Deal.

FES Just Climate works with political, trade union and civil society partners and think tanks. We cover the EU, wider Europe and the OECD region.

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Our Topics

Keep cool and don't carry on

Keep cool and don't carry on

Can we really afford climate protection? Yes, we can. And we must. An unchecked temperature increase would endanger the world economy, labor markets and global stability like nothing before. No one could really afford... More

Just European Green Deal

Just European Green Deal

The EU wants to become climate-neutral by 2050 – that’s a global first. Nothing will boost Europe’s image like building a carbon-free, innovative, and competitive economy that guarantees prosperity for all. But how do we... More

Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

Providing green energy, spearheading industrial innovation and creating good jobs – that’s the goal. What it needs? Ambitious structural policies and the consistent involvement of workers and trade unions. More

Going local and let people drive change

Going local and let people drive change

One size fits all? Absolutely not. Affordable energy supply has to be secured locally, jobs have to be created locally. We can only avoid a political backlash if we get citizens and local stakeholders of all kind on... More

All News & Events

06.03.2025 | EN, Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event, News

FES Just Climate & FES Future of Work are organising a conference on chips, industrial autonomy and clean tech, taking place on 9 April 2025.…


| EN, Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, Publication, News

10.02.2025 | DE, EN, Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, News | Press


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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