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123 results:
Capping Prices, Saving Gas: A European Initiative on the Energy Crisis
To address the gas crisis, the response is European: by binding gas saving targets, and by limiting the price Transmission System Operators charge.  
The EU’s Tightrope Walk to Energy Cooperation with Central Asia: Are they Heading Towards an Enhanced Cooperation?
In the midst of geopolitical turmoil, Central Asia could play a key role in Europe's quest for energy security. How can the EU explore this potential?  
The European Year of Skills 2023 – more than just a slogan?
The digital and ecological transition accelerates, and with it the shortage of skilled workers. The EU is looking for solutions, but doubts remain.  
The EU Hydrogen Strategy: Are member states on board?
Hydrogen offers a pathway to accelerate the energy transition while safeguarding our industries. But are member states on board? Join the discussion!  
The future of coal in Europe: is this the exit from the exit?
Coal power plants are being restarted or paused across Europe. Is the coal-phase out already history, or will climate protection prevail?  
Online event: Women to the forefront of the energy transition!
Energy cooperatives are the silver bullet for clean, affordable & local energy. We need to ensure women's equal share in it!  
Climate Dialogues 2022
The webinars will discuss the geopolitics of energy policies, heating solutions beyond fossil fuels, and climate justice. Register here!  
108. Sauer auf die Krauts  
Wie die Raumtemperatur kühlt das Verhältnis zu unseren Nachbarn ab. Etwas Demut unsererseits ist angebracht – dann klappt es mit der Führungsrolle. Lesen Sie bitte den vollständigen Text hier.  
German social democrat Matthias Miersch explains how Berlin wants to build the bridge to the post-fossil fuel age without Russian gas.
‘We need a master plan for energy policy in Europe’
German social democrat Matthias Miersch explains how Berlin wants to build the bridge to the post-fossil fuel age without Russian gas.  
How effective are the instruments to fight the energy price crisis?
The energy price crisis in Europe is worsening. Governments are launching new packages, but this remains unilateral measures.  
Search results 101 until 110 of 123