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Pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps

Two thirds of those surveyed in our milieu study can imagine playing an active role in shaping the energy supply in their community. For example by becoming a member of an energy cooperative, making a financial contribution or running a project in the community. The proportion of men here is around 10 % higher than that of women. In addition, the younger the respondent, the greater their willingness. A full 82% of respondents can imagine generating their own energy or are already doing so. Here too, younger people are in the lead; differences between men and women are only marginal. Why is it so important to actively involve citizens? Well, they don't just benefit in cash terms. An often locally to be found hands-on mentality promotes practical solutions. And the experiences of people from very different walks of life are also utilised and recognised. All of this together increases the acceptance of climate policy measures and trust in the political system. But obstacles remain: Co-operative projects often seem to be driven by an elite. Barriers to access must therefore be removed, especially for low-income and educationally disadvantaged groups. For example by reaching out to them in particular, or by offering €0 shares for cooperatives.

Read more findings of our study here.



Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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