Energy Policy: Fast Forward to Renewables

How can we increase and speed up the roll out of clean energy? We've seen a big boost in renewables lately. This is great news, but there's still a long way to go. What's holding us back? Issues like permits, grid development, and storage are just a few of the challenges we need to tackle.

Our activities in the area of energy policy

16.09.2024 | DE, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, News

Zugegeben, auf den ersten Blick etwas provokant, die Frage. Damit genau dieses Szenario nicht eintrifft, sind im Draghi-Report ambitionierte…


16.09.2024 | EN, Going local and let people drive change, Event, News

10.09.2024 | EN, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media

10.09.2024 | DE, Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, News

09.09.2024 | EN, Decoding Brussels, Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, News
picture alliance / Zoonar | Anastasiia Torianyk

CCSU technologies are making a comeback as the European Commission stated their necessity for decarbonising the hard-to-abate sectors. But is this…


22.08.2024 | DE, Going local and let people drive change, Social media, News

China hat im laufenden Jahr wesentlich weniger Genehmigungen für neue Kohlekraftwerke erteilt als in den Vorjahren.


19.08.2024 | DE, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, News

19.08.2024 | EN, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Social media, News


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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