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127 results:
Which measures are popular when it comes to climateprotection?
It is not surprising that approval is highest where there is state funding or where respondents themselves do not have to fear any additional direct costs.90% of those we surveyed in our milieu…  
How can we ensure that women are at the heart of climate resilience and energy transformation?
This question is also driving our work at Just Climate in the South Caucasus and Central Asian region. We are dedicated to fostering knowledge and collaboration among climate and energy experts.…  
Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass Frauen bei Klimaschutz und Energiewende im Zentrum stehen?
Diese Frage treibt auch unsere Arbeit bei Just Climate in der Region Südkaukasus und Zentralasien an. Wir setzen uns für die Förderung von Kompetenzen und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Klima- und…  
Political doldrums in Europe?
What are the consequences of the European elections and the upcoming elections for the transformation agenda?  
Welchen Einfluss haben Gewerkschaften bei der Bewältigung der Klimakrise?
Nun ja, unter die Top 3 schaffen sie es nicht, wenn nach den einflussreichsten Akteuren gefragt wird. Die Rangliste führen nationale Regierungen bei den Teilnehmer*innen unserer Umfrage an. Mit…  
What influence do trade unions have in tackling the climate crisis?
Well, they don't make it into the top 3 when asked about the most influential actors. The ranking is led by national governments among the participants in our survey. They are followed at a…  
Briefing note "More women on board, please!"
Energy transition accelerates the demand for labour and creates jobs. Nevertheless, the female workforce remains underrepresented in the energy sector. Why is it still the case and what are the…  
Pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps
Two thirds of those surveyed in our milieu study can imagine playing an active role in shaping the energy supply in their community. For example by becoming a member of an energy cooperative,…  
Selbst ist der Mensch
Zwei Drittel der Befragten unserer Milieu-Studie können sich vorstellen, sich aktiv an der Gestaltung der Energieversorgung in der Gemeinde zu beteiligen. Der Anteil der Männer ist hier etwa 10…  
50. Climate and the million dollar questions – a population survey  
OpEd Article published in EUObserver - Climate policy cannot be successful if it is perceived as a pet project of the elites. A look into the insecure and distanced milieus is essential - otherwise…  
Search results 41 until 50 of 127