Energy Policy: Fast Forward to Renewables
How can we increase and speed up the roll out of clean energy? We've seen a big boost in renewables lately. This is great news, but there's still a long way to go. What's holding us back? Issues like permits, grid development, and storage are just a few of the challenges we need to tackle.
Our activities in the area of energy policy
Election clouds over Europe: What is on the horizon for climate and energy policies?
In 2019, the EU launched the European Green Deal and has put climate change front and center. But the state of affairs has significantly changed since then. The pandemic hit, Russia invaded Ukraine, energy costs spiked, the far right surged, and major shifts in the geopolitical landscape took place, where the ongoing Chinese and American competition is pushing Europe towards defining its approach when it comes to industrial competitiveness. The European Green Deal delivered under pressure of these crises. Nevertheless, there are important aspects which remain unaddressed and are now becoming more pressured, such as the social and industrial ones. How is the EU going to position itself? What is on the horizon for climate and energy policies? And last, but not least, is there a plan? Check our briefing for overview of the key debates and challenges ahead.
About the author: Reghina Dimitrisina is Policy Advisor at the FES Competence Centre Climate and Social Justice. She possesses expertise in climate and energy policies and European affairs. Prior to joining the FES Team, she worked as Policy Officer for the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) and advised MEPs from the S&D and EPP political groups in the European Parliament. She studied international relations and political communications.
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice
Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium