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132 results:
11. Wenn zwei sich streiten ...  
Im geoökonomischen Wettlauf mit China und den USA führt für Europa kein Weg an Clean Tech vorbei. Bietet Trump 2.0 hier sogar eine Chance?  
The transatlantic relations in for a rough ride – so are workers’ agendas set for a zero-sum game?
Date:     11 December 2024 Time:    18:00– 19:30 (CET), followed by a reception Venue:   Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Bruxelles …  
Circular Economy in the EU: How can we achieve competitive and resilient market conditions?
Date: 11 December 2024 Time: 08:00 - 10:00 (CET) Venue: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU office, Rue du Taciturne 38, 1000 Brussels Please note that this event will take place only in…  
14. A unified industrieal industrial strategy for the EU  
This paper outlines three key aspects necessary for a successful EU industrial strategy that bridges multiple objectives and delivers for Europe.  
15. Chasing the spectre of de-industrialisation  
In order to keep up with China and the US in the geo-economic race, for Europe there is no way around clean tech. Could Trump even be an opportunity here?  
Gender mainstreaming in energy policies: the Spanish example
Accelerating women’s agenda in the energy sector is crucial. But how to design policies that will support women in practical terms? We have explored the Spanish take on this issue and highlighted its…  
Invest in clean technologies
To remain a strong economy, invest in clean technologies now.  
Wirtschaft wächst, Emissionen sinken – das ist das Ziel.
Und das ist auch möglich. In rund einem Drittel der untersuchten 1500 Regionen ist das laut einer Studie des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) gelungen. Zwar wurden nicht alle…  
The economy grows, emissions fall - that is the goal.
And it is possible. According to a study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), this has been achieved in around a third of the 1,500 regions examined. Not all regions…  
EU’s energy cooperation with Central Asia and South Caucasus: stronger partnership through new avenues?
EU’s relations with the South Caucasus and Central Asia have always been complex. While Europe’s engagement with the region has evolved through different political and economic initiatives…  
Search results 11 until 20 of 132