
Climate Crunch Questions: Country report Germany

Detsch, Claudia

Climate Crunch Questions: Country report Germany

How social barriers can be overcome and sceptical milieus brought on board in the social-ecological transformation
Brussels, 2024

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Climate Crunch Questions

Detsch, Claudia

Climate Crunch Questions

How social barriers can be overcome and sceptical milieus brought on board in the social-ecological transformation ; Comparative country report
Brussels, 2024

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Des Klimas Gretchenfragen

Detsch, Claudia

Des Klimas Gretchenfragen

Wie sich beim sozial-ökologischen Umbau gesellschaftliche Barrieren überwinden und skeptische Milieus an Bord holen lassen ; Internationaler Vergleich
Brussels, 2024

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Shaping the social-ecological transformation: How social barriers can be overcome and how resonance potentials can be utilised

Schleer, Christoph; Wisniewski, Naima; Reusswig, Fritz A.

Shaping the social-ecological transformation: How social barriers can be overcome and how resonance potentials can be utilised

Final report, Heidelberg and Potsdam, 11 March 2024 ; On behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (3 MB, PDF-File)


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E-fuels as part of the transformation of the transport sector?

Is it realistic to expect that after 2035 a large proportion of passenger cars could be powered with e-fuels? And what exactly are e-fuels anyway? Where is the world market headed?

E-fuels are currently a hotly debated topic in Brussels as well as the European capitals. Controversy has arisen, however, between the member states as to whether cars powered by internal combustion engines should generally no longer be registered in the EU after 2035. While some member states were in favor of this, in the interest of openness to technology, other member states and the EU Commission are backing electric cars.

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International Politics and Society

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