
Climate Crunch Questions

Detsch, Claudia

Climate Crunch Questions

How social barriers can be overcome and sceptical milieus brought on board in the social-ecological transformation ; Comparative country report
Brussels, 2024

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Des Klimas Gretchenfragen

Detsch, Claudia

Des Klimas Gretchenfragen

Wie sich beim sozial-ökologischen Umbau gesellschaftliche Barrieren überwinden und skeptische Milieus an Bord holen lassen ; Internationaler Vergleich
Brussels, 2024

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Shaping the social-ecological transformation: How social barriers can be overcome and how resonance potentials can be utilised

Schleer, Christoph; Wisniewski, Naima; Reusswig, Fritz A.

Shaping the social-ecological transformation: How social barriers can be overcome and how resonance potentials can be utilised

Final report, Heidelberg and Potsdam, 11 March 2024 ; On behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (3 MB, PDF-File)


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