
FES Just Climate publishes studies, policy papers and analysis, and organizes events and conferences to shape the industrial revolution of our times. We focus on energy, industrial, structural and labor policies, and the European Green Deal.

Climate and social policies must be two sides of the same European coin in the future. We need to develop climate-neutral energy systems and industries. Simultaneously, we need to safeguard and strengthen the welfare state, local participation and workers’ rights. FES Just Climate works with political, trade union and civil society partners and think tanks to achieve these goals.

16.09.2024 | EN, Going local and let people drive change, Event, News

02.07.2024 | Zooming in on..., Going local and let people drive change, Event

The objective of this meeting is to delve into the intersectionality of gender, energy, and climate in the Caucasus and Central Asian region.


13.06.2024 | Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event, News

Historically, the energy industry has been male-dominated, but is this setup fully up to the task?


27.02.2024 | EN, Event

This event will explore the energy landscape in the region, focusing on policy frameworks, initiatives, and the crucial shift towards cleaner and…


06.12.2023 | The Nuclear Series, Event, News

The annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) provides a comprehensive overview of nuclear power plant data, including information on…


26.05.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event, News

Keynote by Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, opening our conference "Securing Europe's Sovereignty: How to shape our energy, climate, and…


| Just European Green Deal, Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event

24.05.2023 How can Europe ensure its resilience despite growing global challenges?


28.02.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Event

International cooperation between the EU and potential partners in the context of the emerging hydrogen economy is of crucial importance. What are the…


| Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Event

Hydrogen offers a pathway to accelerate the energy transition while safeguarding our industries. But are member states on board? Join the discussion!


Tuesday, 11.10.2022 - Zoom | Going local and let people drive change, Event, News

Energy cooperatives are the silver bullet for clean, affordable & local energy. We need to ensure women's equal share in it!



Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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