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What influence do trade unions have in tackling the climate crisis?

Well, they don't make it into the top 3 when asked about the most influential actors.
The ranking is led by national governments among the participants in our survey. They are followed at a clear distance by companies/the economy and local citizens.
Non-governmental organizations, political parties and trade unions are then even further down the list. Well, the trade unions themselves will probably not claim to be in the lead over the state or companies in this question.
Their role is more specific: to protect employees in the climate-neutral modernisation and to claim the best possible framework conditions for qualified jobs, training and further education.
However, younger respondents rate the role of trade unions significantly higher. This is promising and should encourage trade unionists in their fight for a climate-neutral and social agenda.
In Germany, for example, 9% of 18-29 year olds rank them among the three most important actors compared to 3% of respondents overall, in France 10% instead of 5% and in Hungary 10% instead of 4%.

More on our findings under this link.


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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