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Technology will fix it?

The majority of people have no illusions that the fight against rising global temperatures will have an impact on our everyday lives. Only just over a third of those we surveyed agree that science and technology will solve the problem of climate change without us having to fundamentally change our way of life. Turkey is far ahead and Poland also has above-average values. Serbia and Portugal have the lowest values.
However, the milieus also differ significantly here. While only 17% of Intellectuals agree, over half of Adaptive Navigators have confidence in the ability of science and technology to find solutions.Adaptive-who? In our study conducted by the Sinus Institute, we analysed how strongly and under what conditions different social milieus are receptive to climate policy measures. The Sinus meta-milieu model was used for this purpose.
The young, modern middle class - described by the Sinus Institute as "Adaptive Navigators" - plays a central role. This milieu is open-minded, determined, well-educated, flexible, willing to adapt and generally open to new ideas, making it "usually" easy to win them over to the goal of a sustainable society. At present, however, they are primarily afraid of the personal disadvantages of the ecological transition. In addition, they are (still) less convinced that every individual needs to make an effort to maintain an environment worth living in. This brings us to our answer to the question of the relationship between science/technology and lifestyle.

Got interested? Find all the results here.


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

Cours Saint Michel 30e
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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