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Climate policy and the EU

Climate policy and the EU are currently the subject of intense debate in the run-up to the EU parliamentary elections. What is the balance so far and - more importantly - where should we go in the future? Do we need more European climate policy or is the EU already doing too much?
In our milieu study, of course, we also looked at the role of the EU. When asked about the most influential players in tackling the energy and climate crisis, the EU came fourth out of a total of ten.
However, more than half also believe that the EU is doing too little to tackle the climate crisis. One in five think that the EU's commitment is just right. Only 14% of respondents think it is doing too much. So this does not look like a call to scale back climate policy.
It is also worth taking a look at the individual countries. In Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece, the EU is named as an influential player with an above-average share of at least 45%. In contrast, the figure in France is well below average at 19%.

Read more about our milieu study here


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Climate and Social Justice

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1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 23 29 30 33

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