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FES conference: "EU’s energy cooperation with Central Asia and South Caucasus: stronger partnership through new avenues?"

Tuesday 22 October 2024, FES EU Brussels Office, Rue du Taciturne 38, 1000 Bruxelles

In Person Event

You will receive an automated email with your registration data.

We will keep you updated on the program and additional information in due time.

In the meantime we are happy to help with any of your questions:

Reghina Dimitrisina at FES:
+32(0)470 70 12 24

Silke Lang at FES:
+32(0)470 70 13 61


Questions about your registration?

Regina Dimitrisina at FES:
+32(0)470 70 12 24

Silke Lang at FES:
+32(0)470 70 13 61