19.04.2023 | Zooming in on..., Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

The energy crisis is not over yet. But how targeted are the Member States’ measures in terms of particularly supporting poorer households?


30.03.2023 | Decoding Brussels, Just European Green Deal

Major economies are acting to combine their climate, energy security, and industrial policies into broader strategies for their economic systems. On…


13.03.2023 | Zooming in on..., Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

Households and companies all over Europe are suffering from rising electricity prices. The price increases can be partially attributed to the design…


| Just European Green Deal

How to balance fiscal sustainability and responsibility with the financing of the green transition?


28.02.2023 | Energize it, industrialize it and make it work | Press
from "Sleeping Beauty" in Arthur Quiller-Couch's book The Sleeping Beauty and other fairy tales From the Old French (1910), illustrated by Edmund Dulac.

Startled by the Inflation Reduction Act, Europe wants to ignite the industrial policy turbo. But will the new measures be enough to keep up?


28.02.2023 | Just European Green Deal, Event

International cooperation between the EU and potential partners in the context of the emerging hydrogen economy is of crucial importance. What are the…


23.01.2023 | Energize it, industrialize it and make it work, Publication

The international hydrogen partnerships will reshape the global energy landscape. What should be the guiding principles of such partnerships?


19.01.2023 | Energize it, industrialize it and make it work
Geopolitics and Energy Security in Europe: How Do We Move Forward?

Geopolitics press the EU to solve the sustainability, supply security, and competitiveness trilemma. How can Europe achieve energy sovereignty?


18.01.2023 | Zooming in on..., Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

EU countries agreed to skim off the revenues of energy producers to relieve citizens. But can this threaten the expansion of renewable energy?


15.12.2022 | Zooming in on..., Energize it, industrialize it and make it work

Ein neuer Ansatz zur regionalen Gestaltung der sozialökologischen Transformation, by Frederik Moch (DGB).


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